Louis Vuitton handbag M95137 Security vendors claiming to have stabbed more than ten years history o

Louis Vuitton handbag M95137 Security vendors claiming to have stabbed more than ten years history of mental illness

 (Reporter Liu star) hawker street vendor driven in by security and took away the stall tools,Gucci bag New arrival 130739, rage stabbed to death under the security. Yesterday morning, the former small vendors Wang Sheng was charged with intentional assault in the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court for trial.

confessed before,Louis Vuitton handbag M95137, according to Wang Sheng,Gucci Wallets 74209 9768, Baiyun Area with his roadside stand selling shoes, three four years. Incident the same day, a cosmetics factory driving his three security personnel, but also took away his umbrella with the concrete pillars. Before the incident,Louis Vuitton wallet M61723, the plant owner to set up stalls to lead three security office to find him and warned him not to at the factory gate the next street vendor. The two sides quarrel took place,Louis Vuitton handbag M95737, they have been pushed a bit of security,Gucci Wallets 181670 1061, in order to

Sheng-only confessed in court on stab everybody's business. But many said they have 10 years history of mental illness. The judge asked him to show his medical history form, he said once the home were stolen,Balenciaga handbag 0848282, medical attendant

Par ghtdfe le mercredi 06 avril 2011


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