Gucci bag Classic 146247 9783 China ecom's interim net profit increase of 0.8% only

Gucci bag Classic 146247 9783 China ecom's interim net profit increase of 0.8% only

Daily News (press Wu-time) following the semi-annual report issued after China Mobile,Louis Vuitton agendas R21046, yesterday,Chanel Purse 31508, another domestic carrier China ecom also announced the first half of this year's operating data. As the intense market competition and rising marketing costs, China ecom first half net profit grew by just 0.8%.

report, China ecom, revenues of 107.55 billion yuan in the first half, up 4.9% year on year, of which mobile service revenue of 22.77 billion yuan, up 77.7%; a further rise in the proportion of non-voice revenue increased to 56.3 % Cable broadband access revenue share of 24.5% of total revenue.

It is noteworthy that China ecom in the first half to 17.918 billion yuan of capital expenditure, an increase of 5.2%. Although the impact of large capital expenditure the company's net profit,Gucci bag Classic 146247 9783, but China ecom did not intend to reduce spending. It is reported that China ecom this year Qiangzai additional 5 billion yuan, from an original forecast of 39 billion yuan to 44 billion yuan to increase market competitiveness, and enhance the broadband business. In addition,Gucci bag Classic 145850-1, China ecom also intends to further increase capital expenditure in 2011 10.0 billion,Chanel bag New arrival 36015, making the total amounted to 50 billion yuan.

Par ghtdfe le lundi 11 avril 2011


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