According to foreign media reports,Gucci Wallets 154184 9693, Apple today released the industry may be the long awaited Tablet PC,Gucci bag Classic 169947 9761, some analysts expect average selling price of this product is 600 dollars.
Apple product launch will be held today,Louis Vuitton wallet M61689, although it did not disclose the product name,Louis Vuitton bag Damier Canvas N48172, but the industry consensus is that it has been long in the Tablet PC.
investment bank Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets (RBC Capital Markets) analyst Mike? Yabbra Rimsky (Mike Abramsky) that the Tablet PC which is expected to average selling price of 600 dollars,Louis Vuitton handbag M95116_5556, the first Apple expected to bring in 2.8 billion revenue.
if the average selling price of 800 dollars,Gucci bag Classic 189833-9693, then the first-year sales will be only 1 million,Gucci bag Classic 131228-1, could bring 777 million U.S. dollars revenue. If you only sell 500 U.S. dollars,Louis Vuitton wallet M61956, so the first year of sales can be increased to 10 million,Gucci Wallets 131854-4066, revenue increased 4.2 billion.